Thursday, February 4, 2010

lets face it life?? Bullshit

m back after the long memory damage i had(abdobency) or more ofternly told as "owww!! no!! i totally forget all about it.
how many of urs out there have tis problem. i think mostly every one of us right?
we use to forget to wake up, we forget to pick up the kids, we do forget to eat sometimes. when reserches do reserch oon why this situation occors there is a very clear yet simple reason there, which is Human or Mankhind will forget 13.33 person what he did in a day.
for example can u count houmany time you sneeze on a day or how many time you youn in a day. which explain the brain sometime dunt like tiredly count all the tings we do. it does all the memory but in genral it doesnt care about what your body is capable of.
but proper mind control can lead to a better thinking.
that mean's even when u are sleeping your brain constantly program your up coming scadule.

till here for 2day we will continue more in my next post!!!
dunt forget to tune in the next time k!!